Then, almost one month later NASA wrote a full article about the project and tweeted about it:
\nSpace station sharper images of Earth at night crowdsourced for science: http://t.co/bHBiLwvZSv #ISS pic.twitter.com/bL9LymQ6cq
— NASA (@NASA) agosto 14, 2014
\n\nThat was the spark, as since that moment everything exploded! The project was covered internationally by the press. Media like Fox TV, Gizmodo, CNN, ... share the project and invited people to help.
\nThanks to this coverage, in just one month we were able to classify more than 100 thousand images. One day Crowdcrafting servers stored more than 1.5 answers per second! We were like this:
\n \nAs with any press coverage after a few weeks everything went back to normal. However,\nlots of people kept coming and helping the projects from Alejandro.
\nOver a year we kept fixing bugs, adding new tasks, answering questions from volunteers, sharing progress,\netc. In July Alejandro defended his thesis with all this work. Amazing!
\nFrom my side I'm so happy and proud about it for two reasons. First, while the thesis\nhas been presented, the projects keeps going.
\nAt the time of this writing\nthe Dark Skies project has classified almost 700 images in the last 15 days. Amazing!
\nThe other two projects have less activity, as those projects are more complicated.\nLost at Night has located more than 200\nphotos on a map, and Night Cities ISS has\ngeo-referenced almost 25 pictures.
\nSecondly, because this is the very first thesis that uses PYBOSSA and Crowdcrafting\nfor doing open research. I'm impressed and I think this is just the beginning for many\nmore researchers doing their research on the open inviting society to take part on it.
\nThe future? Well, Alejandro has launched a Kickstarter campaign to get financial support\nto keep running the research his doing. If he gets the financial support more data will\nbe analyzed, new results will be produced and it will help to keep running Crowdcrafting\nand PYBOSSA. Thus, if you like the project help Alejandro to build the most beautiful\natlas of earth at night!
\n \n","author":{"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"Person","givenName":"Daniel","name":"Daniel","familyName":"Lombraña","email":"teleyinex@gmail.com","url":"https://daniellombrana.es","awards":["Honorary Mention by Prix Ars Electronica (2016)","Best Start-Up by Sonar+D (2015)","Nominet Trust 100 Award (2014)"],"sameAs":["https://www.twitter.com/teleyinex","https://instagram.com/teleyinex","https://www.linkedin.com/in/teleyinex","https://github.com/teleyinex"],"honorificSuffix":"PhD","knowsAbout":["crowdsourcing","research","CTO","funder","python","javascript","postgresql",""]},"headline":"17000 Volunteers Contribute to a PhD","name":"17000 Volunteers Contribute to a PhD","publisher":{"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"Person","givenName":"Daniel","name":"Daniel","familyName":"Lombraña","email":"teleyinex@gmail.com","url":"https://daniellombrana.es","awards":["Honorary Mention by Prix Ars Electronica (2016)","Best Start-Up by Sonar+D (2015)","Nominet Trust 100 Award (2014)"],"sameAs":["https://www.twitter.com/teleyinex","https://instagram.com/teleyinex","https://www.linkedin.com/in/teleyinex","https://github.com/teleyinex"],"honorificSuffix":"PhD","knowsAbout":["crowdsourcing","research","CTO","funder","python","javascript","postgresql",""]},"image":{"@type":"imageObject","height":"640","width":"800"}}